>   UAEGDTRQ Gold 999

Contract Specifications of UAEGDTRQ Gold 999 T+0 100 Grams
Description UAEGDTRQ GOLD 999 T+0
Token This contract will have the same ISIN as UAEGD GOLD 999 T+0 contract. The UAEGDTRQ contract will run as a Token under same ISIN.
As the base product is 999 100 gram UAE good delivery Gold bar, the same ISIN will be used for all 999 100 gram UAE good delivery gold bars. Different token numbers will be used to differentiate the characteristics of normal UAEGD from UAEGDTRQ contracts as the latter would require a different certificate of origin issued by Ministry of Economy, Govt of UAE
Trading Period Exchange Business Days
Trading Session 09:00 Hrs to 18:30 Hrs. Indian Standard Time (IST)
Trading Unit 100 grams
Price Quote US Dollars per Troy Ounce
Maximum Order Size 100 kg
Tick Size (Minimum Price Movement) US$ 0.01
Margin 100%
Settlement Basis Compulsory in BDR form
Delivery Unit 100 grams
Settlement T+0
BDR Settlement Timing Every 30 minutes during Trading Hours
BDR Pay-out Directly into the Demat Account of Client / LPTM
Funds Settlement Timing 1st Cycle (For trades till 12:00 Hrs IST) - 12:15 Hrs. to 14:15 Hrs IST during the trading day
2nd Cycle (For trades till 15:00 Hrs IST) - 15:15 Hrs. to 17:15 Hrs IST during the trading day
Final Cycle (For trades till 18.30 Hrs IST) - 19:00 Hrs. to 21:00 Hrs. IST during the trading day
Quality Specifications 999 Purity
These Gold bars should be serially numbered Gold bars supplied by UAE Good Delivery (UAEGD) approved suppliers or other suppliers as may be approved by IIBX. These Gold bars are to be submitted along with supplier’s quality certificate.
Country of Origin While depositing Gold Bar of 999 purity in the vaults, the qualified supplier must produce a Certificate of Origin issued by the Ministry of Economy in UAE.
Delivery Logic Compulsory in BDR form for the TRQ holders only in the Demat account with the depository.