Circular No.   20240212-1   Circular Date   12-02-2024
Category   Membership   Segment   Spot
Subject   RBI Circular on Participation of Indian Banks on India International Bullion Exchange IFSC Limited (IIBX)
Attachments   Annexure - A (Particpation of Indian Banks on IIBX) ;

Sub. :   RBI Circular on Participation of Indian Banks on India International Bullion Exchange IFSC Limited (IIBX)

All the market participants on IIBX are requested to take note of the RBI Circular No. RBI/2023-24/120 DoR.AUT.REC.74/24.01.041/2023-24 dated February 09, 2024 regarding Participation of Indian Banks on India International Bullion Exchange IFSC Limited (IIBX).

A copy of the said circular issued by RBI is enclosed as Annexure - A.    

For and on behalf of India International Bullion Exchange IFSC Limited

Surendra Rashinkar

Chief Regulatory Officer

Contact No. +91 79 6969 7104

Email :   membership@iibx.co.in

Encl. : as above.