Circular No.   20240201-1   Circular Date   01-02-2024
Category   Membership   Segment   Spot
Subject   RBI Guidelines on import of gold by Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) holders under the India-UAE CEPA as notified by the International Financial Services Centres Authority (IFSCA)
Attachments   Annexure - A (RBI Guidelines on import of gold by TRQ holders under India - UAE CEPA as notified by IFSCA) ;

Sub. :   RBI Guidelines on import of gold by Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) holders under the India-UAE CEPA as notified by the International Financial Services Centres Authority (IFSCA)

All the market participants on IIBX are requested to take note of the RBI Circular No. RBI/2023-24/118 A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.14 dated January 31, 2024 regarding “Guidelines on import of gold by Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) holders under the India-UAE CEPA as notified by–The International Financial Services Centres Authority (IFSCA)”.

A copy of the said circular issued by RBI is enclosed as Annexure - A.    

All the market participants on IIBX are also requested to refer to IIBX Circular No. 20240105-1 dated January 05, 2024 in context to the Standard operating procedure for onboarding valid India-UAE TRQ holders to import UAEGD Gold under the India-UAE CEPA on India International Bullion Exchange IFSC Limited (IIBX). The link to the said circular issued by IIBX is as below :



For any clarifications, kindly contact:

Sr. No.

Official Name




Puneet Kanwar

+91 79 6969 7129



Karan Ashar

+91 79 6969 7112



Rishabh Shukla

+91 79 6969 7130


For and on behalf of India International Bullion Exchange IFSC Limited

Surendra Rashinkar

Chief Regulatory Officer

Contact No. +91 79 6969 7104

Email :   membership@iibx.co.in

Encl. : as above.